HCA Teacher Training
For each course listed below, please read, listen to or watch the provided material,
then complete one written narration per module.
Please compile ALL narrations into ONE document, separating each narration by
module number and title, ie: #1 - Charlotte Mason's Life and Work
When submitting your narration, please use the following format: "Last name - HCA Training"
and save it in a .doc format. If you don't have access to Microsoft Word, you can do this
for free in Google Docs, via your HCA email.
Once complete, please email your file to: k.rea@heritagechristianacademy.net
If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out.
The submission of all written narrations indicates that you have completed our training modules.
Please note that narrations are more than just "reflections" - they are a true retelling of what you know.
Just as your students will do, you'll be asked to take in the information and then organize it in your mind and give it back in your own words.
This is not a word-for-word attempt, but a synthesizing of information where you absorb the content and "teach" it to your reader. At the beginning, it may be easiest to listen or read in shorter sections and then write down what you know until you've completed the assignment. Feel free to take each course in shorter sections, eventually working up to longer portions before you begin your written narration.
The length is determined by you, and there is no minimum or maximum requirement.
A typical rule of thumb is that your written narration should take your students 1/3-1/2 the amount of the lesson time. For example, if you read for 10 minutes, then an additional 3-5 minutes should be allotted for the written narration.
The following videos pertain to Miss Mason's method in a classroom setting.
NEW TEACHERS: please complete each video and submit your narrations.
RETURNING TEACHERS: We used these clips last year. In lieu of a typical narration, please analyze these in light of your last year of teaching and comment/remark on ways that these principles were active in your classroom, as well as ways and ideas for you to implement or adapt these ideas for use at HCA.
For video clips #1-20, you may submit ALL narrations in one document, simply labeled by number.

By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By Leah Martin

By A Delectable Education
By Art Middlekauf
By A Delectable Education
By Nicole Williams

By A Delectable Education
By Art Middlekauf
By A Delectable Education
By Nicole Williams

By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By Nicole Williams
By A Delectable Education

By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By Nicole Williams
By A Delectable Education

By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education

By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education
By A Delectable Education