February 25, 2024
It's mind boggling that we have just ONE WEEK left before Spring Break! Your students have been doing a wonderful job on their exams and although we're all fighting Spring fever and antsy for a break, you'd be so proud of how hard they're working!
As we complete this last week before break, please note several time-sensitive announcements below. Enjoy this upcoming taste of Spring in February!
-Mrs. Rea
There are so many moving parts with a school of 160+ students (!!!) that we are trying to streamline some internal processes. We now have a quick link that you can follow to report either an illness, expected tardiness, etc. Between my own cell numbers, teacher's numbers, the school phone, Family Band messages, Class Band messages and occasionally a student just letting us know in passing that their sibling wouldn't be attending, it is just TOO much for us to keep straight! If you know ahead of time that your student will be late, has a doctor's appt, or will be missing school because of illness, a family emergency, travel, etc., please use this NEW TARDY/ABSENCE LINK. This link is available at the top of our website and for those that have already received your portal for the 24/25 school year, it's listed in there as well!
If it's last minute or easier, you may also call or text the school - 574-300-7438 but please ONLY USE EITHER THE ATTENDANCE LINK OR THE SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER so that we can keep all attendance records in one location.
We have acquired quite the extensive Lost and Found Collection. If your child is missing anything (or maybe just for good measure!) please come in and check our lost and found baskets in each building or have your student check before they leave classes on Wednesday/Thursday. Over Spring Break, we will be donating ALL Lost and Found items.
It's that time of year in Indiana! We WANT your students to experience a healthy dose of the outdoors, but that's also to the detriment of their clothes, shoes and our floors! PLEASE MAKE SURE that your students have the appropriate gear - particularly outdoor shoes! If they don't have a separate pair of shoes to change into after playing outside, then they will not be permitted to play in the mud or climb outside. We want to be good stewards of our space at Bethel, and the floors are suffering the effects of the rain, snow and MUD everywhere.
Also, if you have a student in Cottage School-Grade 3, we encourage sending an extra pair of pants in their book bags. Hopefully we won't need them, but we've found that this time of year, the mud is slick and it's always nice to have a Plan B!
If you have a student in 7th or 8th grade, please mark your calendar! I will be hosting a High School Informational Meeting at Heritage Meeting House on Tuesday, March 12 at 6:30pm. This is for parents AND your high school-bound child! We will be talking about grades, transcripts, classes (both required and electives), scheduling, homework and what it means to transition either into HCA's high school course, to withdraw and homeschool fully at home, or to consider transferring to private or public traditional schools. This is for ALL students - regardless of what your high school plans are - this conversation will give you a lot to think about, plan for and consider as you prayerfully make the next step in your child's education.
We encourage families of 7th graders to attend, but this will be geared toward our current 8th graders. If you are planning to continue on with HCA, then this meeting is required. If you are not able to make it to either info night, then please email the office! (office@heritagechristianacademy.net)
We hope that you're planning to attend Awaken South Bend on April 12-13! This is an AMAZING opportunity to hear from all three ladies at A Delectable Education, as well as myself and Michelle Howard, founder of the Preservation Library movement (and a dynamic speaker!). Through April 1, they're offering a discount code to HCA attendees (AWAKENSB10).
To learn more and purchase tickets, please see the conference website: