October 13, 2024

We have a busy few weeks coming up! I hope this update find you outside, enjoying the last of this warm weather!
Please read below for reminders and announcements!
-Mrs. Rea
School pictures are THIS Tuesday and Wednesday! For the 6th year in a row, we are working with the amazing Christi Nelson of Rawsii studios. Your child will have their individual and class photos taken this week, and then you will be able to view all of the images via an online link that will be shared here in the next few weeks. Your students do NOT need to wear their uniforms.
As in years past, there is no purchase necessary, but you'll be able to view the online gallery and order in time for Christmas delivery!
Also, Christi is once again offering sibling group photos AFTER school. She will be photographing sibling groups from 3pm-3:45/4 and this is on a first-come/first-serve basis.
Please arrive at the fields south of the Lehman Family Training Center (between Lowell and Jefferson) and park along Clay St. You will see Christi at the edge of the field, nearest Jefferson (same location as in years past).
We're excited to bring back school lunches this year! THANK YOU for your patience with us! HMH opened later than planned, and as our staff has adjusted to the new space and finished training, we are ready to re-open our school lunch options!
1) You can now click on the button inside of your parent's portal, OR
2) You can find the "Order School Lunch" option under the "Parents" tab on our website, OR
*Please note that school lunches can be placed up to 6 days in advance, but MUST be placed by 9:15am on the day that your child needs lunch. After that time, you will need to order a regular HMH lunch at full price if you wish to have a lunch for a lunch for your child.
If you have any questions about school lunches, please feel free to call the office!
If you have not joined the HCA Family Band or your child's class Band, you are missing pertinent announcements and information. It is ABSOLUTELY necessary for you to join, as the time sensitive information (class projects, field trips, homework, etc) is announced in that space. Please check the pinned posts at the top of the Family Band for your child's Class band link.
We are going to be talking a lot about prayer this year in chapel, and so we'd like to extend an invitation! If your family (or at least one spouse) is in full-time ministry or full-time non-profit work, could you please email me? We'll be praying for each of you in our chapel services this year, and we would love to connect! Additionally, we'll be reaching out to local churches and minstries about their prayer needs. If you think your church would like to hear from us, please let me know! k.rea@heritagechristianacademy.net
If you haven't completed your Student Information Sheets (and any other paperwork for this coming year) it is IMPERATIVE that it be completed THIS WEEK. The link for the paperwork was emailed to you at enrollment (search your email for "Save this email"). Inside these sheets are, among other things, medical and emergency information for your child, and we MUST have that on file, for their safety.
If you are unable to located that link, please email the office (office@heritagechristianacademy.net) immediately.