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February 2, 2025


Happy February!

We are looking at another muddy week on campus, so again, make sure to send proper gear with your students! Don't forget Wednesday and Thursday are half days! Your student will NOT be having lunch at school. School lunches won't be served that day, but HMH will be open, in case you'd like to grab lunch or a treat with your kids!

We're looking forward to a shortened week with lots of time outside!

See you soon!

-Mrs. Rea



This is the time of year where weeks and days run together, so please make sure to stay up to date on our school calendar! Your students will have half days THIS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - February 5 + 6 (dismissal will be at noon on those days and we will NOT be serving school lunch those days).

Additionally, please note that Term 2 Exams will happen at the end of February through the first week of March, and Spring Break is March 10-14. If you know that your child will be absent during exams, please reach out to their teacher as soon as possible so that we can make accommodations.



Term 2 Exams are February 26th - March 6th. Stay tuned for volunteer registration on BAND!



Join the HCA Buy/Sell/Trade group on BAND! The link to join is posted in the Family Band

You'll be able to post items you’re looking to sell, buy, or exchange with fellow members.


Promote your small business, side hustle, or services to the HCA community. Whether it’s tutoring, crafting, professional expertise, or anything else, feel free to share!



I’m thrilled to announce I’m hosting a parenting seminar at Nfluence Church (Granger, IN) on March 1st!

This is completely free and open to anyone, so please share with your friends!!

Parenting is one of the most meaningful callings in life, but it’s also one of the most challenging. As Christian parents, we are called to guide our children toward a life rooted in faith, character, and peace. This workshop will explore how to nurture a Christ-centered home through intentional parenting. Helping your children grow in wisdom, build healthy habits of responsibility, self-control and stability.

We'll cover practical strategies for guiding children at every stage, addressing unique challenges like strong-willed personalities, and fostering a sense of peace and purpose in your family that reflects God’s design.

Follow the link to RSVP!



The link to re-enroll at HCA for next year is now live in the Family Band and on our website!

We have almost finished processing applications, so if you have not received an enrollment email from us by the end of the week, please reach out! In several weeks, we will then open up any available spots to the general public.



Each year, HCA chooses a non-profit to partner with and we collect an offering during each chapel. The funds collected are then sent off to our chosen charity at the end of the year. This year, we are going to partner with Samaritan's Purse and raise funds for the victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. The comunities that were devastated by the hurricane will be rebuidling for years, so we will be talking about this charity all year long.

THANK YOU for your generosity diring our Christmas Chapel! We were able to raise $687 for Samaritan's Purse!



In chapel, we’re focusing on prayer this year, and we’d love to know how we can pray for you. If you or your spouse are in full-time ministry or non-profit work, please let me know—we’d love to include you in our prayers. We’re also reaching out to local churches, so let us know if yours would like to connect. Feel free to email me at



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