April 29, 2024

As we prepare to welcome the month of May and we hover between winter and spring (and Indiana's fickle weather patterns!) and we watch new growth all over campus, our verse for the month is quite fitting - 2 Corinthians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old is gone, the new is here!
In April we focused on Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, but as time goes on, it's easy to lose the awe and miracle of that message. Spring is a constant reminder of the Gospel story; from death, new life. As Rev. Leonard Ravenhill said, "Jesus didn't come to make bad men good. He came to make dead men live!"
As we prepare for these last few weeks of the school year and make plans for next year, there will be a lot of moving parts and announcements, but I hope in the hustle and chaos of the end of school and the beginning of summer, that the message that is revealed in nature is never lost on us.
With a heart of gratitude,
-Mrs. Rea
I've heard that several families are concerned that we are seeing some instances of non-compliance with our uniform policy. Please keep a few things in mind: First - at this time every year, I'm posting this reminder. Families are pulling out summer clothes packed up 6 months ago, and inevitably students have outgrown much of what you'd planned on them wearing. Again, for those that are concerned, this is an annual reminder...so much so that it's on my yearly notes for April and May, so this year is no different than the previous four years of HCA and it is school wide, not program specific. Second, our rules have not changed. If students are not uniform compliant, it is up to our discretion to let them finish the day if we deem it a minor issue, or they are sent home/parents bring them items to finish out the day. Regardless, if a student is not compliant, we follow the handbook and take appropriate measures. If you have concerns, please come directly to Administration.
And for a repeat of our annual reminder...Since Indiana weather can be so fickle, one day students are in shorts and the next, they're bringing snow suits! As the seasons change, please consider this your friendly reminder that students in Cottage School - 8th grade are not allowed to wear open toed shoes (sandals or flip flops) to school - even within the classroom. Hiking sandals with covered toes are fine.
Also, pants cannot have holes or rips - this is a slippery slope and becomes too subjective, so our baseline is clean, unripped pants.
We have decided to push UP exams for Term 3 in order to give us a few more days as a buffer at the end of the year for projects, presentations, a Service Day and end of year activities.
Please disregard the dates as listed on the printable school calendar on our website. The live calendar is correct - and the NEW dates for exams will be May 6-14.
Also, please visit our Family Band and sign up for volunteer slots to help with exams! We love having you come in so that we have an extra set of hands and so that students can show off what they know!
Because HCA has quite a few field trips coming up and because we are shifting our staffing at HMH as college classes are concluding, THIS WEEK is the last week for school lunches. We will not be offering lunch service during the last 3 weeks of school, so if your chid would like to order school lunches one last time this year, please get an order in this week!